Been busy during the past months due to a surge of events affecting my personal life. Therefore, I didn't manage to do anything creative to blog lately. But after watching the recent episodes of
Kimi ni Todoke a couple of days ago, I was determined to set aside some free time in order to transcribe this beautiful piano insert song of the opening theme, which is one of the background music in episode 15 (approximately after 04:00 into the show).
This short piano piece could have appeared in earlier episodes and I probably missed it since I was relying on my crappy laptop speakers for my previous viewings. If I missed out a longer version of this piano music, please do let me know.
Sorry I couldn't afford to spend too much time and effort on the visual in this video hosted on YouTube. It's just a static picture of Sawako-chan with some simple video effects done in Adobe Flash. My main concern was getting the notes and audio parts to sound as good as possible.
The initial transcribing was done in
Guitar Pro which I find very comfortable to work with, even though it is meant for writing guitar tabs. I feel that the editing of notes in Guitar Pro is less hassle than other software I've tried, like
Notation Composer and
Finale Songwriter. But eventually, I have to fallback to Finale Songwriter for publishing of my transcription in a more readable and presentable format.
The nice thing about using all these notation software is that most of them have the ability to export your transcribed music into MIDI files. With the
MIDI music file, I can feed it into a synthesizer software that can produce a reasonably good sounding piano music.
I didn't actually play the piano music you hear in the video clip above. It is fully computer generated and produced by this software I recently rediscovered called
Pianoteq 3. The previous version was totally unimpressive but now I'm quite happy with the piano tone in this latest installment. The free trial version of Pianoteq has a limitation where some higher # keys cannot be played but that can be easily fixed with some transposing tricks and sound engineering skills.
Anyway, you can download the piano insert song below:
- Lossy MP3 (320 kbps) version HERE.
- Lossless WAV format for those with super hearing powers HERE.